Check out the video below for a quick and easy way to make high quality endpins for cello or bass using inexpensive, readily available materials. It also shows how to glue on Saddle Rider brand endpin tips. This method works well for Titanium, Steel, Pultruded or Woven Carbon Fiber, Aluminum, Brass, and more. Each material makes an instrument sound and feel different!

Before you begin, please note the following updates to the DIY endpin video linked below: 

1. Most commercially available 10 mm diameter rods and tubes run a little undersized, and will fit in the precisely tooled 10 mm hole in a Saddle Rider brand endpin tip without a problem. On rare occasions, a rod or dowel may be oversized by a few hundredths of a millimeter, or cutting the rod may create small burrs that make it difficult to insert the rod into the endpin tip. If that is the case, insert the endpin into a drill and spin it while pinching the offending end with 200 or 400 grit sandpaper to remove the burrs and reduce the rod diameter as needed. Or, remove burrs by hand with a file, small grindstone replacement wheel, or sandpaper.

2. In the video, regular super glue is recommended to glue on tips, but Saddle Rider’s updated advice has recently changed: We now recommend the use of a somewhat slower-drying super glue (30-60 sec set time), especially for novice endpin makers. The few extra seconds will lower the risk of improper seating of the endpin tip in the hole before the glue sets.

Okay, now you’re ready to make an endpin!